Little Seer's Ghosts

Cynthia's Spirit Table

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My Great-Grandma has a little Gueridon table.  This has a circular top with a central spindled leg, and where it meets the floor there are three feet that extend from the spindle.  Many family members believe this odd little table has a life force of its' own.

As a child, my mother found the stories she had heard concerning the table to be amazing, but hard to believe.  She wanted to witness this spectacle for herself.  One day they were gathered for a family meeting at her grandmother's home.  My mom asked for the chance to see the table in action.  Three family members and my mom sat around the perimeter of the table.  They all placed their hands flat, on top of the table, close to the centre.  Each person placed their thumbs touching infront of them.  The baby fingers of each person touching the baby finger of the person next to them.  They sat in utter silence waiting to see what might transpire.  All of a sudden, the table began to tremble, then balance and shake.  Mom believed they were pulling a joke on her and begged her dad to stop moving the table.  Her father denied that any of this occurrence was his doing.  The table seemed to take exception to this and started to shake furiously.  The circle of hands was broken as everyone cautiously got up and took a couple of steps back to watch the table as it continued to act on its' own.  All by itself, the table shook wildly, spun around, at times lifting completely off the floor!  Then as quickly as it had started, it was finished and all that was left was a perfectly ordinary looking table.  Everyone in the living room was stunned by it!  Mom told us this story many times over the years.

I had my own doubts about the story's validity and questioned many family members.  Each time I was told pretty much the same story.  Seeing is believing, so three years ago while I was at my great-grandma's, I asked if I could check out the table for myself.  I sat around the table, with my sister, cousin, and uncle.  We put our hands in the circle, as my mother said was done before.  Only a few minutes had passed, when the table rose up on one foot and started to bang.  Then it began to tip in my direction slowly in a balanced and steady manner.  My sister was seated directly across the table from me and thinking she acting up I told her to stop pushing the table.  That's when I realized she was barely touching it, I quickly asked my uncle and cousin if they were responsible.  They both declared that they were not causing the table to move.  At this point, my outspoken sister asked the table to spin around.  Instead, the table rose dangerously on one foot and tipped in her direction to stop half an inch from her lap.  My sister removed her hands quickly from the circle in terror, thinking the table was going to topple right over on her!  Even with the circle broken, the table continued to perform as it had in the past with my mother.   We all sat there in silent awe as this strange and fascinating table remained balanced, standing on one foot.  After several minutes, we watched again as the table tipped back and returned to its'original position.  It trembled a little and stayed still.

I decided to try to see what the table would do with my grandma, mom and I present.  We again formed a circle at the table, but as we did, the table sent an electric shock through me then it just seemed to tremble a little before it stopped.  My guess is that the table realized that I have a natural energy that I use for healing skin disease and burns.  Touching the table made me feel very uncomfortable.    I can no longer say spirits don't exist and I don't care if people doubt my story.   I know what I saw.  I don't want to disturb any spirits again.

Thanks for your story Cynthia.  I could be wrong, but I think this table is called a spirit table.  Maybe it was used in seances in the past?  Has this table always been in your family, and if so, could it be possible that your great-great-grandmother was interested in this type of thing?   I believe you are supposed to ask the table yes and no questions and it is supposed to (knock once for yes and twice for no) respond in some manner.  Please give us un update if you find out anything else.


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