Little Seer's Ghosts

Colorado 2003

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I live in Colorado Springs, In the Pine Hill community. I purchased this home from my boss about two years ago to use as a rental property.


When I first cleaned up the house, before renting it out, I encountered some very strange things. While painting the house we had several doors, close for no reason. I didn’t think much of it at the time.


It was after dark one night when I got around to replacing the light fixtures on the back porch.  I replaced all the outlets, and light switches in the house.  I got the ladder set up, grabbed the flashlight and climbed up the ladder.  When I reached for the light, it came on. The light switch is in the laundry room, which has access to the porch. To reach this light switch, you need to enter the porch door, step into the laundry room cross it and switch on the light. I stepped into the laundry room to find the light switch had been turned on.  I turn it back off and stepped back out the door. This time I kept an eye on the doorway, thinking one of the kids was playing a joke on me. I had an excellent view of the laundry room, as the door was standing open to help shed light on the porch. As I reached for the light again, it came back on.  No one had come into the room. I turned the light off and tried it again. Again just as I reached for the light it came back on. Inside the house the switch was on again!  I went to find the kids, one was in the bedroom, and one was in the kitchen both occupied with what they were doing.  I decided enough was enough and turn off the circuit breaker.  Finally I got the porch fixtures replaced and turned the circuit breaker back on.   I have never had a problem with the porch switch turning its self on.


When I got back to work the next week, I asked my boss if he had had any unusual things happen in the house. He said, “Like what, Sara?”  It seems there is a ghost in this house known as Sara. All my neighbors are familiar with her. It seems when my boss lived there Sara would close windows when it rained.  When he first brought the girl home that became his wife, Sara closed doors in his face. They had a baby and one day they laid their child on her tummy in her crib, with the blanket folded up at her feet, for it was such a hot day. A little later they went in to check on the baby only to find her all covered up and sweating with her blanket on.  Probably Sara was only trying to be helpful.


Now I live in the house.  One day my daughter and I were painting her bedroom and the hallway outside her room.  I was just outside in the hall, and she was just inside her bedroom door when her bedroom door slammed shut.  I ask her why she had slammed the door.  She thought I had.  No one else was with us, or was there?  There was not even a draft in the house we could blame it on.  We find Sara quite helpful when we let the dog out in the back yard, she will often let him back in.


One time I set up an infrared camera looking out the back window, because we had a problem with a kid in the neighborhood taking things out of our yards. Around 11:30 at night the camera picked up a reflection on the window of a thin lady in a long dress with long hair. She walked up to the monitor with quite a sway in her walk, and looked at it curiously, then turned and walked away. I was pretty surprised to find this on the tape.


I have on several occasions set the camera up in the living room, hoping to get some more film of her, since the kids taped over my video.  I hope if I keep trying I will able to get some good clear video, this should be only a matter of time since she seems to like making herself known. It seems whenever we make any kind of home improvements, she is curious.


One of the people who rented the house for a year and a half had several experiences that convinced him he was dealing with a ghost.  Its really pretty cool knowing there is a ghost in my house. I want to learn more about her, and her story.  I don't want to turn my house into a public attraction, so outside of the people who are familiar with her I don't normally say anything about it.


Thanks very much for your story and please send along any pictures you get.


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