In 1793 Lieutenant Govener John Graves Simco first viewed the main forks of the Thames River
and thought it would be an excellent spot for a town called "New London."
In 1796 The land was bought by the Provincial Government from the Chippewa Indians.
In 1800 The District of London was proclaimed. New London was not used as was John Graves
Simco's original idea.
In 1883 London's west end flooded, loss of life 17 people.
In 1826 Royal assent was givin to Provincial Bill designating the forks of the Thames as the
Administrative and Legal centre of the London District.
In 1845 the "Great fire of London occurred destroying 150 buildings or one fifth of the town. I
couldn't find any information concerning loss of life.
The Ghost of Huggabone’s Hill
For more than 150 years the ghost of Huggabone’s Hill has been part
of London’s farming community. In 1835 a man named Castle-John Hodgins
and his son Henry, were on their way to register for the election. They travelled
by horse and cart along London’s dirt roads. Huggabone’s Hill which
runs between University Hospital and the university residences, was very steep at one time.
On the way home, the horse and cart went out of control. Both Castle-John
and his horse were killed. For years afterwards farmers said as they travelled
up and down the hill, their horses would stop, shy, resist, and let out a ‘neigh’, just at the point were Castle-John
and his horse were killed.
Since transportation has advanced we no longer have the problem of horses shying away
from this spot. This story has become a legend of London's historic past. | |