Little Seer's Ghosts

New and Updates
Little Seer's First Ghostly Experience
True Dreams
Ghost on the Bus
My Haunted Apartment
Palm Reading
Horror Advice
Londons First Ghost Story
Eldon House 1841
Peg Leg Brown 1899
Grand Theater 1919
Former Crabapple Restaurant
Beatrice Sims 1967
Teresa's Angel 1974
Ouija Board 1977
Ouija Experience 1978
Haunted Apartment 2002
Stuart Street Ghost 2002
The Dingman House 2004
The Karrs Secret
Colorado Springs 2003
Colorado 2003
New Market Ontario 2004
Daryl's Summer Vacation
Keith's Haunted House
Old South London
Cynthia's Spirit Table
Bernie with the Broken Neck
Michelle's Spectral Companion
Ghost Pictures
Jake Lee 2006
The Whisperers 2004-2006
Whispers Continued
Tami's Musical Ghost
Walisburg Strangeness


These are true ghost stories from my home town London, Ontario in Canada.  London isn't considered an exceptionally haunted city, but with your help we could change that opinion.  You're welcome to submit a story with your name or anonymously.  Your choice will be respected.
To those of you who have taken the time to send in a story thank you.
 Not from London?
Please include the name of the city or town you are from so we can enjoy your story too!
At the left of the page you will see a list of titles.
Click on any of the titles and you'll be able to read the story within.
Site Started: June 21, 2002
The name Little Seer comes from a website competition that my site was in.  It just feels right to continue using it.
I'm still working on adding some of my personal stories to the site but some of them are just a moment in time and it's over so they won't all make it in.
An Example
My sister and I were visiting someone in the hospital.  We were out in the hallway chatting when someone rudely interrupted us by poking me in the arm.  I put my hand on the spot they were poking to get them to stop and looked  to see who it was.  There was no one standing beside me or walking by.  I looked back at my sister who had stopped talking.  I quietly said:  "Someone was poking me in the arm"  She said: "I saw that."  Just one of those odd things that happen.  What can you do about it?  Continue on which we did down the hallway away from that spot!
Update: Jake Lee 2006, The Whisperers, Whisperers Continued, Tami's Musical Ghost and Walisburg Strangeness
I am not sure what color text is easier on the eyes.  Which do you prefer?
Email below.
Some of the graphics on this site were collected from "free sites" that didn't require a back link.  I know someone made these graphics and if it was you, please let me know. I'm quite willing to give credit where credit is due!




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