My son Jason brought home a book on Palmistry. Personally I'm always interested
in what my son is getting into and read the book myself. As I was reading this book I realized that I understood
exactly what the author was saying. It seemed very simple to me to understand the differences in the shape of the hands,
fingers and lines and what each meant.
I read my own palm and other family members. Some were a bit startled when
I came up with secrets that they didn't think I would know about. I'm sure they would not be tickled pink
if I explained any of their secrets to the world so shhhh!
Next I started reading friends just for fun and they were amazed that I knew things concering
their lives before I'd met them.
The more I read palms the easier it became, just like reading a book you have to learn the letters
first, in this case you have to learn the lines and each small difference in them. If I didn't know what a particular
line suggested I would later consulted the book and most of the time that would help. I found that
some explainations for lines I saw were not in the book. For instance, on a few people that I had read I found
they did not just have one line for the life, fate, heart and headline but that they were all double or triple almost like
blurred vision. I had no idea what it meant the first time I encountered it but kept the personality of the person in
mind for the next time I found it. The second time I compared the personalities of the people I had found this
in and the third time I saw it I knew the person quite well and was able to ask if what I suspected was true. I
figured that it had something to do with their nerves and that perhaps at one time they had to take medication for it, and
this was confirmed. Ofcourse to be totally sure I was right I had to go back to the others and ask. Each one
said they had a nervous condition and at one time taken medication for it.
This is not all fun and games, since friends knew I could read palms the next thing I knew wherever
I went everyone wanted a palm reading. Just going to the pub, three hours of readings, sometimes only twenty minutes
with friends. The owner of the pub loved it, free entertainment. The more you read the more sensitive
you become. I believe that I have always been some what sensitive or psychic or I wouldn't have encountered ghosts or
had true dreams,(stories before this one). The lines in my palm also show psychic ability. Since I have been
reading palms some of the lines have changed in my palm. I now have a star on my mind line and a fish which symbolizes
a special talent or gift. Getting new lines is a very natural occurence as we have a spot in the center of
our brain that does this.
The owner of a restaurant that I have know for years asked me to read his palm. He had
a very elemental hand with only the three major lines, life, heart and mind line. The shape of his hand in combination
with the lines meant he was a very hard worker. I also explained to him how the lines appear in a person's palm
and each time I visited he was excited for me to read him again as more lines continued to appear.
Now stay with me here while I explain this, a person's thumb shows to some extent the amount
of violence a person can be capable of along with some of the lines in their palm. I found that sometimes
when I touch a person's thumb I know something they did when they were upset.
I could see one lady that I was reading breaking or wrecking pictures. I
didn't really know what it was about so I asked her. She said she knew exactly what it was. When her
huband her separated she had taken every picture out of their wedding album and ripped them to pieces.
Another instance, I was reading a man and told him that I could see him fighting.
He said he wasn't violent at all and didn't know what I was talking about. I knew what I saw but certainly wasn't
about to argue the point and left it at that. Some months later I witnessed him in a fight and had a little
talk with him about it later. He said he never started a fight but admitted if he had to, he would fight
and rather enjoy it.
While I was reading my friends palm I asked her who it was she threw the
sugar bowl at and just skinned the top of his head. She started laughing, yes she had thrown the sugar bowl and just
missed from clocking him but good. She wanted to know how I knew this. This is what I can tell you,
it's like this, I see a wee tiny flash of what they are doing and then I just know.
That is the best I can explain it. Because of this I have known that people have smash car windows, punch
walls all sorts of things, but sometimes it scares the heck out of me. I have been called a witch or other names when
I have shocked someone with the truth while doing a reading. The truth is that I'm just me, nobody special. I'm
as amazed and confused by the world and its many complexities as the next person.
Sometimes reading palms can be frightening for me. The first time I saw the line called
a widows hook in a woman's hand was at her husband's funeral. That spooked me. After that I saw it in
others, men and women. Some still married and with their spouse. What would you do? I think the best
thing to do is keep quite unless something can be done about it. In one case I saw the widow's hook in a
woman's hand and her husband was with her. I read his palm and saw that he had a line for illness and that it was
red and inflamed around it. I told his wife to get him to the doctor for a phycial, which she did. He had colon
cancer which they took care of and he is fine.
A lady confided to me that she had cancer and was afraid for her life. In her palm
she had lines crossing her life line well after her current age so it was a very simple thing to tell her she would be fine.
This relieved her quite a bit and the next time I saw her, she let me know the problem was resolved. I think that is
the whole idea of reading palms, to help others which I'm always willing to do when ever possible.
I was out one evening and had just finished alot of readings. I sat down beside Kevin
(very special friend) when a man at the next table wanted to high five me. I really didn't know him and from
my first impression of him didn't really want to, but what could it hurt, so I high fived him back. That was
a mistake, what I saw was that he had killed someone in jail. I could see a man laying on the floor, curled
up in the fetal position and blood all over. I knew the man who was stabbed died and this man who high
fived me had gotten away with it. What do you think happened next. I took my hand away and looked at my palm where
he had touched me, I think I was in shock. I said out loud to him: "You're a murderer". He looked surprised and
asked me what I said. For some reason couldn't keep myself from answering him: "You murdered a man in jail and
got away with it, I can see all the blood". At this point I stopped, realized what I was doing and excused myself I
got up and went to the Ladies washroom. I really get sick about seeing blood and was very upset about the whole thing.
Why did I have to see this when it was too late and I couldn't do anything to help? When I came out of the washroom Kevin
knew I had been crying and asked me what was wrong. I told him what had happened and pointed the man in question out. The
man kept looking over at us nervously. Kevin said he had made his aquaintence playing pool
and had talked to him different times. Kevin went over and talked to him and found out that what I said was true.
The man got up and left with his girlfriend and thank goodness I never saw him again. I did see the girl again
and found out she stopped seeing that man. Good planning on her part, I was relieved she was away from
I talked this over with my sister later because I was really upset by it
all. Why would I have to see this when I can do nothing to change it. She thought maybe it was for the safety
of the girl or perhaps because I had only recently started dating Kevin and he might not be too sure if my
abilities were real, now he would have no doubt. I knew Kevin as a friend for a few years before
I dated him, so he knew about the palm reading. I guess this was a tough way for him to find out for sure that
it's real. He worries everytime that I read someone's palm that I will see something terrible again. He would
like me to stop for good but like anything in life you have to take the good with the bad. If I can help others, that
is more important.