Little Seer's Ghosts

From Natalie in Colorado Springs 2003

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I have just recently moved into a house in an old part of town in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
I really don't know much about the house besides the fact that it is at least 130 years old.  My parents are trying to research more about its past since we have had some strange occurrences.
 The people who lived in it before us were remodeling it, but for some unknown reason gave up on it and moved after the first year.  Before that the old house had been unoccupied for at least 50 yrs.
Thats all i can pretty much tell you right now.   The picture I sent you was from my bedroom.  I was taking pictures of the house to send to my friend so she could get an idea of what it looks like.  After I got the pictures developed I was shocked to see a lot of strange stuff  showing in the pictures that wasn't visible to me when I shot them.
Beside that pretty much everynight we hear footsteps walking up the stairs. We have wood floors and we can hear every step perfectly.
Picture frames and vases often move unexpectly.
My little sisters bedroom sometimes smells of freshly baked cookies even though no one is baking.     
At first I was scared of everything but after awhile I became used to it.
Concerning Natalie's Picture
I have asked a few other people what they see when they look at this picture and have had various answers.   Some see a face in the white glow and an arm and hand with light rays coming off the finger tips.  One thing they agree on is it is different.
What I see is a person sitting in a arm chair reading a book with it held up in front of them.  I think the book has a shiny cover and when the the flash went off it created a pretty cool effect.


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