Little Seer's Ghosts

Ghost on the Bus 1994

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Eldon House 1841
Peg Leg Brown 1899
Grand Theater 1919
Former Crabapple Restaurant
Beatrice Sims 1967
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Ouija Board 1977
Ouija Experience 1978
Haunted Apartment 2002
Stuart Street Ghost 2002
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Colorado 2003
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Walisburg Strangeness


Hi! Just stumbled upon your site and as I myself am a Londoner I thought I'd share a story that happened to me a few years back.
I went to Central Secondary School and I think I was 14 or 15 (I'm 21 now).  It was winter because I remember the snow and the cold. I was riding the bus on the way home and a bunch of people got on, no big deal.  I more or less paid attention because I had nothing better to do. The last person to get on was a little girl about 9 or 10 in a purple coat.  But instead of putting in her fare she just leaned against the farebox.  The bus pulled away and I thought it was strange the driver didn't demand fare or tell her to sit down.  I looked out the window and when I looked back the girl was gone.  I looked around the bus wondering were she had moved to but she had disappeared.  She wasn't on the bus at all.  The bus was still moving and it had not stopped.  So where did she go?  I remember her being African American and she was wearing a purple coat.
Pretty strange, huh?  I've never been able to think of a logical explanation other than her being a ghost.  Someone told me once
it may have been a fingerprint- a skip in time of a girl who actually got on that bus at one time, and it doesn't necessarily mean she has died, My next story will explain what I mean.

When my brother got married he and his wife moved into an apartment.  They lived there for a few months, maybe a bit longer. Then my sister-in-law got a scholarship to McGill University so they moved to Montreal.
A friend of theirs still lives in the building, the people who moved in to my brothers old apartment told him that their apartment is haunted.  My brothers friend asked what the ghost looked like.  This is their description: very tall, has dreadlocks and a goatee and is generally pretty funny looking.
The weird part is, this ghost is a perfect description of my brother who is alive and well and waiting for his first child to be born in Montreal.

These people have seen the ghost a number of times, usually on the stairs.  My brother thinks he left a fingerprint on the apartment because it was emotionally important to him.  This was the first apartment he shared with his wife.  I guess that's not really a ghost, but I'll leave it up for you to decide.

Thanks for your stories Amanda.  Your brothers story reminds me of one I heard a long time ago.
A woman named Karen kept having a dream that she was driving down a country road and came upon a beautiful house.  Everthing about this house was just perfect.  When ever she had this dream she happily wandered around the house peeking inside each room.  She loved the lay out of the house and the view from each window was wonderful as they over looked the country side.  When she was awake she wondered why she kept having this dream and wished the house was real.
As luck would have it one day she was taking a drive in the country and she came upon the actual house.  She was so excited about her find and just had to go inside and see if it was the same as her dream house.  She walked up to the front door and rang the bell. " It sounded just as she expected it would."  A woman answered the front door and asked if she was there to see the house.  Karen thought this was odd but said she would love to see it.  The woman introduced herself as a real estate agent.  During her tour of the house everything was exactly as she had dreamed, she could hardly believe she had found it and that it was for sale.  How perfect as if fate had planned for her to own the house.
The asking price of the house was well within Karen's range, actually it seemed under priced.  She asked the real estate agent why the selling price was so low.  The agent explained that the owners believed the house was haunted and whoever bought it should be warned. They couldn't understand how it had become haunted because they had lived there happily for years with out any problem.
Karen thought this was a ridiculous idea because the house seemed just as warm and welcoming to her as it did in her dreams and she decided right then and there to buy the house.  As she was going over the paper work with the agent the home owners arrived home and walked in.  The poor lady turned white and fainted on the spot.  The husband pointed at Karen and said:  "That's her, that's the ghost that's been haunting us."


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