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Keith's Haunted House

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 When I was a kid, we lived in a big old house.  Many of the things that happened in that house still defy explanation.
Whenever my sister and I went outside to play and no one else was home we had to make sure that we left the doors opened.  If we did pull the door closed it would lock behind us.  When Mum was at home we would get in trouble for bothering her to open the door for us.  She thought we had locked ourselves out.
We heard knocking on doors and walls quite often.  We always checked and tried to figure out where it was coming from but there was never anyone there.   
Once morning my poor older brother woke up with an imprint on the bed next to him that was the shape of a person.  It didn't take him long to get out of the bedroom that morning.
I always had nightmares in that house about a boy who appeared to be handicapped.  He would be walking towards my room, then he would turn to go down the stairs.  He would slip on the stairs and fall all the way to the bottom.  He hit his head on the door at the bottom of the staircase.  There was always so much blood!  It was an awful dream.
I found out years later that a handicapped boy had died in our house a few years before we moved in.  Our parents hadn't wanted to tell us because they were worried that we would be afraid.  Not being told didn't make a difference.  We all knew something was wrong with that house. 
Thanks for your story Keith.  Do you have a lot of dreams that turn out to be factual?  Sounds like you may have a gift.


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